
What’s Cool about the VMware KVM Utility. VMware KVM 实用程序有哪些精彩之处。

VMware Workstation 10 comes with a handy utility which allows you to switch between active VMs (virtual machines) using a configurable hot key just like a KVM (Keyboard Video Mouse) switch. The benefit of using the VMware KVM utility is the VMs can be run in full-screen without launching the Workstation 10 interface (no tool bar) and manage their power state via CLI (command line interface). Another additional benefit from an IT perspective is running a virtual machine for the user when Windows is launched and the user can  seamlessly switch between the operating systems by using the defined hotkey.

Note: The VMware KVM mode is only available for Windows version of Workstation 10.x.

Below is a brief example with screen shots and short video on how I setup and used VMware KVM mode with desktop shortcuts on my Win 8.1 computer. *** Not all steps are included in this blog post and the location of your files might be different so please reference Knowledge Base article KB2057914 and VMware KVM Guide (pdf) for detailed information on using the VMware KVM utility.

The first step in configuring VMware KVM mode is setting the hotkeys and preferences. Open up a command prompt and change to the directory where Workstation is installed. Launch the VMware KVM executable with the “–preferences”  after the command.

VMware KVM Command Prompt

Upon launching “vmware-kvm.exe –preferences” command you will see a small GUI window that allows you to change the default hot keys in addition to other features for launching and exiting the virtual machine.

VMware KVM Preferences

If you use multiple monitors like I am you can change the physical monitor on which the selected virtual machine runs in full screen mode as shown below. Click OK to exit the utility and save you KVM preferences.

VMware KVM Pref Multi Mon

The second step is to execute the vmware-kvm.exe command with a pointer to the selected VM to run Workstation in KVM mode. You will run the command: “vmware-kvm.exe [OPTIONS] virtual-machine-vmx-file.vmx” where: “virtual-machine-vmx-file.vmx” is the path to the .vmx file of the virtual machine. To run multiple VMs and switch between them with the configured hot key the vmware-kvm.exe command must be issued once for each VM you want to start or stop in KVM mode.

In the next few screen shots I created a desktop shortcut for the vmware-kvm.exe and pointed it to the location of my VM I want assigned to the desktop shortcut. The location of you vmware-kvm.exe and VMs may be different depending if you changed the default installation locations when installing VMware Workstation 10. For additional assistance in locating your VMs please reference KB Article KB1003880 besides the guides mentioned above.

Create a desktop shortcut for the vmware-kvm.exe executable from within File Explorer by right clicking on the executable and selecting “Send To” “Desktop (create shortcut)”

VMware KVM -Desktop Shortcut

Once the shortcut is created on the desktop edit the shortcut properties and in the “Target Field” enter the path to the “.vmx” file of the selected VM. Make sure the path to the VM is after the quotes and is also inside its own quotes. Click Apply and OK to exit the desktop shortcut properties. The path to my selected VM as an example would be “O:\VMs\Windows 7 SP1 x64\Windows 7 SP1 x64.vmx” and would come after the path to the vmware-kvm.exe file location as shown below.

VMware KVM Desktop Shortcut 1R1

Click on the newly created desktop shortcut to launch the VM in Full Screen. To cycle through the running VMs and current host OS desktop screen use the configured hotkey which in my case is the “Pause” key. To run more VMs in KVM mode create additional shortcuts for the vmware-kvm.exe executable and point to the VM you would like to run.

In the short video below (no audio) I created three vmware-kvm.exe shortcuts on my Win 8.1 desktop for various Windows OS VMs (Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7) and launch each one and cycle through the VMs with the Pause hot-key and then back to my WIn 8.1 desktop.

VMware Workstation 10 附带一个方便的实用程序,允许您使用可配置的热键在活动 VM(虚拟机)之间切换,就像 KVM(键盘视频鼠标)开关一样。使用 VMware KVM 实用程序的好处是,VM 可以在全屏模式下运行,而无需启动 Workstation 10 界面(无工具栏),并通过 CLI(命令行界面)管理其电源状态。从 IT 角度来看,另一个额外的好处是启动 Windows 时为用户运行虚拟机,并且用户可以使用定义的热键在操作系统之间无缝切换。

注意:VMware KVM 模式仅适用于 Windows 版本的 Workstation 10.x。

下面是一个简短的示例,其中包含屏幕截图和简短的视频,介绍了如何在 Win 8.1 计算机上设置和使用带有桌面快捷方式的 VMware KVM 模式。*** 此博客文章中并未包含所有步骤,并且您的文件位置可能不同,因此请参考知识库文章KB2057914 和VMware KVM 指南 (pdf) 以获取有关使用 VMware KVM 实用程序的详细信息。

配置 VMware KVM 模式的第一步是设置热键和首选项。打开命令提示符并切换到 Workstation 的安装目录。在命令后使用“-preferences”  启动 VMware KVM 可执行文件。

VMware KVM 命令提示符

启动“ vmware-kvm.exe –preferences ”命令后,您将看到一个小型 GUI 窗口,该窗口允许您更改默认热键以及启动和退出虚拟机的其他功能。

VMware KVM 首选项

如果您像我一样使用多个显示器,则可以更改所选虚拟机以全屏模式运行的物理显示器,如下所示。单击“确定”退出实用程序并保存您的 KVM 首选项。

VMware KVM 首选项多监视器

第二步是使用指向所选 VM 的指针执行 vmware-kvm.exe 命令,以在 KVM 模式下运行 Workstation。您将运行命令:“ vmware-kvm.exe [OPTIONS] virtual-machine-vmx-file.vmx ”,其中:“virtual-machine-vmx-file.vmx”是虚拟机 .vmx 文件的路径。要运行多个 VM 并使用配置的热键在它们之间切换,必须对要在 KVM 模式下启动或停止的每个 VM 发出一次 vmware-kvm.exe 命令。

在接下来的几个屏幕截图中,我为 vmware-kvm.exe 创建了一个桌面快捷方式,并将其指向我想要分配给桌面快捷方式的虚拟机的位置。如果您在安装 VMware Workstation 10 时更改了默认安装位置,则 vmware-kvm.exe 和虚拟机的位置可能会有所不同。如需有关定位虚拟机的更多帮助,请参考 KB 文章KB1003880 以及上述指南。

在文件资源管理器中为 vmware-kvm.exe 可执行文件创建桌面快捷方式,方法是右键单击该可执行文件并选择“发送到”“桌面(创建快捷方式)”

VMware KVM-桌面快捷方式

Once the shortcut is created on the desktop edit the shortcut properties and in the “Target Field” enter the path to the “.vmx” file of the selected VM. Make sure the path to the VM is after the quotes and is also inside its own quotes. Click Apply and OK to exit the desktop shortcut properties. The path to my selected VM as an example would be “O:\VMs\Windows 7 SP1 x64\Windows 7 SP1 x64.vmx” and would come after the path to the vmware-kvm.exe file location as shown below.

VMware KVM 桌面快捷方式 1R1

Click on the newly created desktop shortcut to launch the VM in Full Screen. To cycle through the running VMs and current host OS desktop screen use the configured hotkey which in my case is the “Pause” key. To run more VMs in KVM mode create additional shortcuts for the vmware-kvm.exe executable and point to the VM you would like to run.

在下面的短视频(无音频)中,我在 Win 8.1 桌面上为各种 Windows 操作系统虚拟机(Win XP、Win Vista、Win 7)创建了三个 vmware-kvm.exe 快捷方式,然后启动每个快捷方式并使用暂停热键循环浏览虚拟机,然后返回到我的 WIn 8.1 桌面。



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