zabbix告警:Zabbix value cache working in low memory mode
Zabbix监控自身时告警“ 根据自已服务器配置,加大这个参数即可Zabbix value cache working in low memory mode
”,出现这个问题是因为Zabbix Server的参数ValueCacheSize
。### Option: ValueCacheSize# Size of history value cache, in bytes.# Shared memory size for caching item history data requests.# Setting to 0 disables value cache.## Mandatory: no# Range: 0,128K-64G# Default:# ValueCacheSize=8M
参数 强制性 范围 默认值 备注 ValueCacheSize 否 0,128K-64G 8M 历史数据缓存大小, 单位为字节。
0即禁止缓存 (不建议).
从 Zabbix 2.2.0开始支持该参数。ValueCacheSize no 0,128K-64G 8M Size of history value cache, in bytes.
Shared memory size for caching item history data requests.
Setting to 0 disables value cache (not recommended).
When value cache runs out of the shared memory a warning message is written to the server log every 5 minutes.
This parameter is supported since Zabbix 2.2.0.
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