
Disable Stacking feature on PowerConnect 35xx / 3548 / 3524

Disable Stacking feature on PowerConnect 35xx / 3548 / 3524


We have a number of PowerConnect 35xx series switches deployed in our field offices. Every once in a while, we receive one from our vendor that has somehow gotten into stack mode.

Most of the switches are installed in locked wiring closets, so physically accessing them is an issue. All of the documentation I've seen assumes that stack mode is the desired operation. I've already tried upgrading to the latest firmware image, wiping the nvram://startup-config file and rebooting, and had the installing tech try toggling the stack ID button.

Short of deploying a service tech with a console cable, is there any way to remotely disable stacked mode on these units?


Having just finished speaking with Dell tech support, here's how I was able to do this for a new switch. Sadly, it's not possible to do remotely, as it requires physical access to the front of the switch:

Reload or powercycle the switch. Immediately after the switch starts booting up (easiest to tell when you've simply unplugged & replugged it), start pushing the stack selector button on the front until none of the stack LEDs are lit, then stop pushing the button (if you overshoot, just keep pushing the button until all of the LEDs are off). When the switch finishes booting, it'll be in single mode. Should you have a console cable connected during startup, you'll see "Unit Standalone" on your terminal at the end of the unit initialization steps.

1. Restart the switch
2. Start pushing the stack selector button on the front until none of the stack LEDs are lit ( to do this when the network switch is starting to boot up.)


Disable Stacking feature on PowerConnect 35xx / 3548 / 3524

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