
GoodSync Enterprise v10.10.11.11 多语言中文注册版-文件同步工具

Goodsync 可以说是目前最好用的的文件同步工具,可以支持双击同步,单向备份,多任务的同步工具.本地文件同步、windows网上网上邻居同步、FTP同步、WebDAV同步、Amazon S3同步、sFTP同步 winMobile同步。GoodSync的自动同步和备份电子邮件,照片,财务文件,MP3和所有其他重要文件之间的台式机,笔记本电脑,外部驱动器,FTP,安全FTP,WebDAV的,Amazon S3的服务器和Windows Mobile设备。

GoodSync Enterprise v10.10.11.11 多语言中文注册版-文件同步工具

Siber Systems(曦薄系统)曾出品了著名的RoboForm(填表小子),已拥有一系列高度可靠,易用使用的软件产品,其最新代表作正是GoodSync。本程序可以自动同步和备份大量的电子邮件、数码相片、财务文档、MP3歌曲以及其他重要的文件,无论是存放在台式电脑、便携笔记本、服务器还是外部设备上,它都可游刃有余。


GoodSync如何方便地设置和使用,这些都需要你来亲身体验。接下来,我们的介绍将让你了解如何快速进行设置和自动同步数据。GoodSync 正是一个 文件同步 和 文件备份 的软件,它可以游走于你的台式电脑、笔记本电脑、外部驱动器之间自动进行同步。支持:Windows 7 / Windows 10系统。包括Windows Server 2016.




无论是台式电脑、便携笔记本、网络服务器还是外置驱动设备,无论是通过局域网络还是互联网络,只要是你的重要文件,都可以自动同步和备份。通过使用创新性的同步算法 ―― GoodSync 将在未来数年中成为同步领域的领先者。



GoodSync Enterprise v10.10.11.11 多语言中文注册版-文件同步工具

Version 10 New Features

Additional storage options

GoodSync 10 now offers even more cloud storage and service providers; all those found in version 9, plus OneDrive Office 365 and Amazon Cloud Drive. No matter your storage preference,

Updated interface

With an ever-changing digital world, we’re staying ahead of the game by providing the best visual experience for our users.

End-to-end data encryption

Maximize your security and include encryption on the destination as well. AES with 256-bit key is used for encryption, with all file blocks chained. Random salt is applied, so different encryptions of the same file will produce different results. File size will increase by exactly 32 bytes.

Faster backups

Improved peer-to-peer (P2P) connectivity with block level incremental data transfer allows you to enjoy even faster backups – saving you time and increasing productivity. In our own internal testing, we saw increases in transfer speeds as high as 400%.

Improved organization for jobs

Users can now utilize a new grouping feature to compliment the improved job status dashboard. We understand how crucial organization is when syncing countless, important files between your devices. That’s why we’ve made GoodSync 10 easier to use!

GoodSync for Business Console

Our GoodSync for Business console now offers centralized administration and reporting, eliminating the need for end user interaction. This streamlines the process, allowing a single administrator to handle all installations, back-ups, synchronizations, job assignments, reporting, and more.

* Proxies and Certs: by default Trust Certificates from System Storage, to accomodate AV programs.
* DropBox: fixed encoding of non-latin paths.
* Logs: Fixed _mirrors_ logs file were always cleaned up after 1 day of sitting in _mirrors_.
* Gs-Server: Fixed init sequence that determines DeviceID, when Proxy is present.
* Windows Server OS license: moved it from HKLM registry to AllUsers License.dat file.
* Server License: fixed problems in license computation and activation, especially on NAS.
* RealDisk Storage: fixed usage and bandwith stats computation.

Version 10.9.19 Nov 30, 2018
* Tools: Renamed GoodSync Connect Setup to GoodSync Account Setup.
* Tools: Added GoodSync Account Manage that Auto-Logins to GS Account web site.
* Help – Buy License: specify GoodSync UserId to PUMS, for purchase attribution.
* Help – Contact Support: Auto-Login to GS Support System, if GS Account is present.
* Activation dialog: make activation via GoodSync Account work properly.
* Gs2Go + GoodSync Account: treat USB drive as a virtual Device.
* gsync: Add GoodSync Account integration commands /manage-account /buy-license.

Version 10.9.18 Nov 27, 2018
* Activation dialog: Add option to perform activation via GoodSync Account.
* Add License Management to GoodSync Account, at www.goodsync.com/manage/user-login
* GSTP: Report ComputerID to Mediator, so that activated licenses can me matched to Device.
* GSTP Client: Fixed reconnect sequence, it was not always retrying.
* GSTP Forwarder and Server: fIxed ticket management, to address a case of Mediator restart.
* Dropbox: Recover from incorrect_offset errors on large file uploads.
* S3, Azure: Added MIME type application/x-mpegurl for extension m3u8.

Version 10.9.17 Nov 16, 2018
* Licenses and Activations: more fixes related to license checks.
* New Job Dialog: Make Backup (not Sync) to be the First / Default choice for Job Type.
* CC Runner Installer: add options to install CC Runner as Service.
* CC Runner Installer: remove rarely used option for Account Password and PIN.

Version 10.9.16 Nov 11, 2018
* Improve new user experience: no post-update page, more noticeable dialog.
* GoodSync start: Encourage users to create GoodSync Account, but allow to Skip it.
* GoodSync2Go: allow GoodSync Account in Gs2Go setup and encourage to add it.
* Installers: Reset Downloaded from Internet flag, so that installed EXEs do not show warnings.
* Browse: Hide old msdrive:// file system, as it is now fully replaced by msgraph://
* MS Graph: Fixed “scope” parameter not stored in FS token cache.
* CC Runner Service: Fixed The service did not start due to a logon failure.
* Explorer: Fixed upload from SMB does not work.
* Use canonic names for executables, no -v10 or -v9 suffix: GoodSync.exe not GoodSync-v10.exe.
* License File: change license file format, to prepare for Ver 11.
* gs-server: Fixed registration did not work, if External port is manually assigned.
* sib-socket: better handling for IP v6 addresses.
* Mediator: Fixed User NotFound error in Retrieve resulted in closing socket.
* Pipe Forwarder: fixed errors in disconnect sequence.
* gs-server consumer: Increase unique clients allowed from 4 to 6.
* Turn On by default Program Options -> Security -> Save Password Encrypted.
* gs-server + Network Arrival: Listen for Network Connected / Disconnected events.
* gs-runner + Device Arrival:: listen for this in Runner too, not just in GUI.
* Resources: fixed file versions and manifests for all GS executables.
* Crash Catcher: Added DbgHelp.dll for x64, 32-bit DLL is not enough.
* GoodSync2Go + V9: made GoodSync2Go.bat start GS2Go correctly.

Version 10.9.12 and 9.19.12 Oct 18, 2018
* Snapshots + VSS: Fixed snapshots were not working.
* gs-server: Fixed ‘Empty ServerId’ error on some reconnects.
* gs-server: Speed up reconnects, by doing fewer transactions.
* MS Graph: Recover from 416/fragmentOverlap error on large file uploads.
* Browse Dlg: Fixed drilling into non-listable folder was not working.
* Browse Dlg: Convert GSTP URLs to new prefixless internal format: server/file:/// to server/
* Browse + GSTP: Fixed clicking different servers fast may result in wrong listing.
* GSTP client: Fixed talking to old servers (ver < 10.8.9) did not work.
* GSTP client: Fast cloning of connections for parallel workers.
* Explorer: speed up ConnectServer task, make it easier to stop.
* Explorer + S3: allow deleting (but not renaming) buckets.

Version 10.9.11 and 9.19.11 Oct 11, 2018
* Browse Dialog + Multi-Select: fixed crashes, fixed several bugs.
* UPNP: Speed up and fix UPNP discovery in case a lot of UDP packets is received.
* Synclib: Fixed crash in ‘Source file size is not the same as Destination file size’.
* Sync Progress: Fixed progress in sequence Sync, Stop, Sync again.
* When installing CC Runner GUI, stop and remove CC Runner Service for the same user.
* Localization: improved CN, ZH, UA localizations.

Version 10.9.10 and 9.19.5 Sep 28, 2018
* UPNP discovery: Bigger rewrite, to speed up and simplify Port Forwarding.
* gs-server + Quota: Fixed ‘Cannot convert to GSIO path’ error.
* GSTP Tunnel for RDC: Fixed errors on closing of Tunnel by Server.
* GSTP client: CloneAndConnect: Faster cloning of connection via Forwarder.
* Mega FS: Fixed ‘Cannot get file fingerprint’ error on really old files.

Version 10.9.9 and 9.19.4 Sep 21, 2018
* gs-server UPNP discovery: many improvements in UPNP discovery, add SSDP monitoring.
* gs-server: Fixed issues in Dynamic Port bind, if preferred port is busy.
* gs-server Quota FS: multiple fixes in quota computation.
* Mediator: Fixed chaining of grants: (A, B) + (B, C) = (A, C): propagate all properties.
* Mediator: When creating Share, first make sure this is unique: ToUserId, ToCompId, ToFolderName.
* AutoClear: Do not go into Waiting for User, if AutoClear was performed.
* AutoClear: Show Tree when AutoClear is specified and we have Conflicts.
* Analyze + Sync: Fixed sync tree was not shown On Analyze+Sync when conflicts are present.
* Explorer + RDC: Move calling Remote Desktop from Bookmark List to Server context menu.
* Browse Dialog + Multi Select: Do not allow selecting folders from different servers.
* Browse: If connecting to Server Root we have Home Folder, navigate to Home Folder instead (FTP, SFTP).
* More optimizations at compile time.

Version 10.9.8 and 9.19.3 Sep 10, 2018
* GSTP-3: Fixed checking of Proxy was wrong, when determining if we do Pickup Forwarder.
* GSTP-3: Better algorithm for determining when to try direct connection.
* UPNP: faster UPNP discovery, so that we get external port faster.
* UPNP: redo UPNP discovery, if our IP external/internal address changes.
* Ver 9 + GSTP-3: make GSTP-3 work in GoodSync Ver 9.
* Ver 9: Fixed in Browse dialog clicking file system in the list was showing wrong info.

Version 10.9.7 Sep 06, 2018
* GSTP-3: new version of GSTP protocol: establishes connections faster, better scalability.
* GSTP-3 computers (ver ≥ 10.9.7) cannot talk to GSTP-2 computers (ver < 10.9.7).
* So all your computers must be running GoodSync ver ≥ 10.9.7 or ver < 10.9.7, but not mix of both.
* GSTP client: fast cloning of connections, speeds up startup of Sync with many threads.
* GSTP client: do not list shared computers that are offline, cannot connect to them anyway.
* GSTP server: fixed Session pickup may not work on 2nd and later attempts.
* GSTP forwarders: present full certificate chain to clients.
* GSTP server: fixed Protect System Files feature, adjust to new paths.
* GSTP server: fixed GetFileOwnerACL not implemented.
* For Windows Server: Increased max number of simultaneous connections from 10 to 15.
* Localization: Fixed cannot open file ‘C:/Program Files/Siber Systems/GoodSync/en-english.rfi’.
* Amazon CD: Added retry on HTTP error 504 Gateway Timeout.
* MS Graph: Use token cache file msgraph-fs-cache.tic, just like we did in OneDrive.
* MS Graph: Added more file types that cannot be resolved by-path.
* Ticket Upload: Show progress of ticket upload, as it can be a time-consuming process.
* CC Runner Installer: When updating CC Runner, do not start CC Runner from System Account.
* License and Privacy: keep License Agreement and Privacy Policy in separate files.

Version 10.9.6 Aug 09, 2018
* Sync Speed: Fixed excessive locking was slowing down GS GUI when speed limit is low.
* Installer: Fixed unchecking Register Desktop still caused Desktop shortcuts coming back.
* Installer: Fixed New User was not detected.
* Gs2Go Installer: Do not allow install, if no drive is selected.
* Google Drive: recovery from missed changes or change latency leaving non-existent file info in cache.
* Google Drive, Team Drive, Docs: Fixed order of OFC changes concerning single item.
* MS Graph, OneDrive Personal: process incorrect 206 Partial Content returned by MS servers.
* gs-server: Show Home Folder in Top Level only if gs-server is logged in as real Windows user.
* WinFileSys Elevation: Fixed paths used for SMB shares in elevation.
* CC Runner: Service and GUI: Fixed AutoUpdate of CC Runner Service switches to CC Runner GUI.
* Explorer: Fixed Copy/Paste from/to Encrypted FS was not working, if not top level.
* Explorer: Copy/Move files: always connect two file systems, or it can fail on Encrypted FS.
* License: If license file has incorrect size then save a copy of it, for reporting.
* License: If we encounter empty Activation ID in stored license file, report an error.
* AutoInstall in AutoUpdate: Turn it On by default.

Version 10.9.5 Aug 02, 2018
* GoodSync2Go installer: Fixed several bugs, improved usability.
* GoodSync2Go installer: Do not elevate Gs2Go installer.
* GS Connect Setup: Improved it, when called from Installer.
* Registry Jobs: Fixed Folder Options got damaged when reading.
* Installer: improved adding/removing Start Menu and Desktop items.

Version 10.9.4 July 30, 2018
* Gs2Go Installer: Fixed Language settings was reset to English on every install.
* Gs2Go Installer: Do not stop or start GsServer and other services in Gs2Go installer.
* Gs2Go: Use lang.opt file in Profile folder to store Language setting, not registry.
* Installer: Keep installer window Topmost, so that it does not get lost.
* Gs2Go: Implement separate AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, which downloads its own distribution.
* Gs2Go: Implement AutoInstall + AutoUpdate for Gs2Go, run non-elevated.

Version 10.9.3 July 26, 2018
* Installer: New Installer for ver 10 that does not use NSIS.
* Installer: GoodSync2Go: Do not allow installing to System Disk (C:).
* Installer: CC Runner: Request Company Id, PIN, etc in non-silent mode.
* Installer: transaction-based file update that does not delete old program files.
* Installer: Ver 9: freeze ver 9, stop producing releases, except for major fixes.
* Installer: Localization: do our own localization, based on *.rfs files.
* Installer: Logs: When in System Account (MSI), write logs to C:/Program Data/GoodSync.
* Mega FS: Added Mega file system (Beta), with mega:// prefix.
* Export TIX: Fixed copy of Accounts was not saved to TIX file on Export.
* GSTP: Added enforcement of Email and Name length limits, when creating account.
* sib-lib: Turn On /O2 optimization in all libraries.
* gs-server: Do not require file:// prefix in Home Folders URL.
* gs-server: Allow Home Folders and Folder Grants to be combined.
* gs-server: Add New User: Remove GsConnect/LocalUser options, it is defined by server type.
* Quota File Sys: fixed several issues in disk space usage computation.
* Quotas: Implemented disk quota for granted folders.
* Forwarder + Receiver: Fixed virt-comp was not passed if Session is initiated via PickupSessions.
* Mediator Web UI: Added page to Request Storage.
* Mediator Web UI: Break User Account presentation into several tabs.

Version 10.9.2 June 15, 2018
* gs-server: Fixed Incremental Analyze did not work for gs-server + On File Change.
* gs-server: Fixed wrong paths passed in GetFileCheckSum.
* GSTP + OTP: Fixed of Device Authorization was lost, then client can cycle on re-Auth.
* GS Connect Web UI: Added Delete Old Devices, that is, devices not seen for N days.
* GS Connect Web UI: multiple bug fixes, improve usability.
* GSTP sharing: Fixed Sharing did not work, if default forwarder was used.
* GSTP sharing: Implemented CanShare flag: Grantor user allows Share to be further shared.
* GSTP sharing: Relax format of From Folder, do not require file:// prefix.
* Amazon Cloud Drive: Fixed Conflict 409 in Analyze after stopped Sync.

Version 10.9.1 June 01, 2018
* Disk Free Space: show it in Explorer and Browse dialog for all file systems that have it.
* Sharing: Added chaining of Folder Grants: (A grants to B) + (B grants to C) -> (A grants to C).
* Sharing: Granted Computer now assumes UserId of Grantee user, not that of Grantor user, as before.
* gs-server and forwarders: Fixed passing of Delegated Auth flag.
* gs-server: Added flag DirectOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, it declares that it needs no Forwarders.
* gs-server: Added flag GrantsOnly to settings.tix. If Yes, server rejects all non-grant folders.
* gs-server: Fixed /set-admin, /set-user and /del-user commands: load settings before them.
* MS Graph OneDrive/Office: Fixed OAuth2 token endpoints for regional clouds.
* Fixed vulnerability where GoodSync can load malicious DLL from its program folder.
* Moved European Forwarder to bigger server in Amsterdam.
* Added GDPR clause to Privacy Policy, added GDPR page to web site.
* Linux .run installer: Fixed profile owner when configuring gs-server daemon to run under limited user.
* Gs-Server for Synology NAS: Better integration with DSM UI, according to DSM standards.

Version 10.9.0 May 15, 2018
* Gs-Server: get rid of internal file:// in URL pointing to gs-server, so that
gstp://comp.user.goodsync/file:///disk/folder becomes gstp://comp.user.goodsync/disk/folder
* Browse Dlg: Fixed checking for GSTP computer being local, when GS offers to change to Local FS.
* Browse Dlg + Side Options: Fixed Side Options do not change when sync folder changes in Browse dlg.
* Side Options: Allow turning Off Use Temp Files option for Local FS, as in rare cases it may not have MoveFile.
* Do not Delete Dest file on Direct Upload only when both RecycleBin and History are turned off.
* Sync Scripts: Do not Call Script / Send Email after Analyze that ended with Wait for User.
* Windows FS + SMB: Fixed resolution of SMB paths that are used in Local FS.
* Amazon CD: Retry on Error 502 Bad Gateway, returned by ACD server.
* Encrypted FS: Implemented GetFileOwner(), GetFileOwnerACL(), SetFileOwnerACL().
* TLS/SSL: updated list of valid root certificates and Certificate Authorities.
* Gs-Server Web UI: Fixed logout did not cause forgetting credentials in the browser.


官网更新记录: https://www.goodsync.com/support/news


安装版: https://www.goodsync.com/download/GoodSync-v10-Setup.exe

便携版: https://www.goodsync.com/download/GoodSync-v10-Setup-Portable.exe

Download 城通网盘: https://545c.com/file/3477565-405048957
Download 城通网盘: https://t00y.com/file/18818253-405049004
Download 百度云盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1KsViEfq00W5sJMksin37oQ 密码:bdud
Download YunFile云盘: http://putpan.com/fs/2topamoled03caa8/
Download 皮皮网盘: https://sun0816.pipipan.com/fs/3477565-322674622
Download 城通网盘: https://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/3477565-322674622
Download 百度云盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1NeWmWjdrqozU1mBmSoRsmg 密码:6i7u
Download YunFile云盘: http://yfdisk.com/fs/0t6o0p8m3odled86/
Download 皮皮网盘: https://sun0816.pipipan.com/fs/3477565-319029220
Download 城通网盘: https://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/3477565-319029220
Download 百度云盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1s6YuKTJpkW73LauOwGGVLA 密码:rkiw
Download YunFile云盘: http://yfdisk.com/fs/etop0molcd136122/
Download 皮皮网盘: https://sun0816.pipipan.com/fs/3477565-308406768
Download 城通网盘: https://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/3477565-308406768
Download 百度云盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1f4RzEKBP-YCMdpeyvqUywQ 密码:7f66
解压密码: www.unyoo.com


GoodSync Enterprise v10.10.11.11 多语言中文注册版-文件同步工具

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