Easy to use script that defeats activation on Windows Vista/7 and Server 2008(R2)/2012(R2)/2016/2019/2022 on UEFI-GPT systems using SLIC emulation technique.
易于使用的脚本,使用 SLIC 技术在 UEFI-GPT 系统上的 Windows Vista/7 和服务器 2008(R2)/2012(R2)/2016/2019/2022 上*激*活*。
[How to]
Run the script. Press [I] to activate and wait for a few seconds.
If prompted, reboot or shutdown.
If everything went well you should be activated!
运行脚本。按 [I] *激*活*并等待几秒钟。
Run script again and press [U] to uninstall.
Press [D] to check activation status.
Press [C] to create $OEM$ folder which can be placed in source directory of Windows installation media/ISO to preactivate.
A $OEM$ folder which uses traditional script will be created when traditional script is used to create $OEM$ folder.
A $OEM$ folder which uses AIO script will be created when AIO script is used to create $OEM$ folder.
Press [R] to view this read-me document.
Press [G] to open the Github repo of this project.
Press [S] to open the support thread web page of this project.
Press [X] to open the discord server of this project.
Press [F] to toggle forceful mode.
Press [V] to view SLIC table.
/install: Start installation process and skip main menu.
/uninstall: Start installation process and skip main menu.
/silent: Used with /install or /uninstall. Don't prompt user for anything and reboot automatically if required.
/norestart: Meant to be used with /silent. Quit script at the end instead of rebooting automatically.
/force: Similar to Daz' loader's "Ignore existing SLIC". Install bootloader even if SLIC is present. This option also bypasses the error messages received if a SLIC unusable for activation is detected. This option also bypasses the message "Windows is also permanently activated." and also force installs an oem:slp key, even if one is already installed.
/profile: Used for specifying SLIC profile to install
/version: Used for specifying SLIC version to be installed
/pkey: Used for specifying product key to be insalled
Example of syntax:
EzWindSLIC.cmd /install /silent /norestart /force /profile Tarox1 /version 2.3 /pkey P42PH-HYD6B-Y3DHY-B79JH-CT8YK
Q: Which operating systems are supported?
Windows Vista Starter
Windows Vista Home Basic
Windows Vista Home Basic N
Windows Vista Home Premium
Windows Vista Business
Windows Vista Business N
Windows Vista Ultimate
Windows 7 Starter
Windows 7 Starter E
Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows 7 Home Premium E
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Professional E
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Ultimate E
Windows Server 2008 Foundation
Windows Server 2008 Standard
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise without Hyper-V
Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation
Windows Server 2008 R2 Web
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter
Windows Storage Server 2008 Standard
Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials
Windows Small Business Server 2008 Standard
Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard
Windows Home Server 2011
Windows Server 2012 Foundation
Windows Server 2012 Web
Windows Server 2012 Standard
Windows Server 2012 Essentials
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
Windows Multi-point Server 2012 Standard
Windows Multi-point Server 2012 Premium
Windows Storage Server 2012 Standard
Windows Storage Server 2012 Workgroup
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
Windows Storage Server 2012 R2 Standard
Windows Server 2016 Standard
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter
Windows Server 2016 Essentials
Windows Storage Server 2016 Standard
Windows Storage Server 2016 Workgroup
Windows Cloud Storage Server 2016
Windows Server 2019 Standard
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
Windows Server 2019 Essentials
Windows Server 2019 Azure Stack HCI
Windows Server 2022 Standard
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
Q: Which profile belongs to which company?
_ASUS_ - Asus
_IFSA_ - Positivo
1B72 - AOC
268565 - Gericom
ALWARE - Alienware
AQUARI - Aquarius
ATComp - AT-Computers
bc_OEM - Bluechip
BCKHFF - Beckhoff
BYTSPD - Bytespeed
cceCCE - CCE
cgwall - Greatwall
chili1 - Chiligreen
cmscom - Zoostorm
CZC011 - CZC
datate - Exper
DSGLTD - Advent
DTRINC - Tangent
Exc - Excimer
extra - Exone
FOUNDR - Founder
FSC - Fujitsu-Siemens
FUJ - Fujitsu
GATEWA - Gateway
GBT - Gigabyte
GENSYS - Genuine
Getac_ - Getac
HEDY06 - Hedy
higrad - Higraded
HONHPS - Honeywell
HSPW07 - Hannspree
HTCLTD - Hitachi
HYRSLP - Hyrican
IECOEM - Kohjinsha
INFORL - Insys
iQonIE - iQon
ITINFO - Itautec
KrFtWy - Kraftway
K-Syst - K-Systems
LANIX1 - Lanix
MATBIO - Panasonic
MaxDat - Maxdata
MGWOEM - Megaware
MITAC_ - Mitac
MOUSEC - Mouse
NATI - National-Instruments
NAVIHB - Impression
OEGROU - Stone
oem - Proline
OLIPRO - Olidata
OLISLP - Olidata
OlvOEM - Olivetti
PacBel - Packard-Bell
PDSINC - Paragon
POSITI - Positivo
PRDGT - Paradigit
PROLNK - Prolink
QUANMX - Quanmax
RoverC - Rover
SECCSD - Samsung
SGOA21 - Siragon
Shuttl - Shuttle
stinfo - Semp
SYSMAX - Systemax
Tarox1 - Tarox
TGAOEM - Targa
THOA21 - Twinhead
THTFPC - Tongfang
TOSASU - Toshiba
TOSBYD - Toshiba
TOSCPL - Toshiba
TOSHIB - Toshiba
TOSINV - Toshiba
TOSQCI - Toshiba
TOSTNI - Toshiba
VELOCI - Velocity
VSCAIO - Viewsonic
WDCorp - WD
WORTMA - Wortmann
YUTC - Viliv
Q: I get error "PowerShell is not installed in your system". How to fix?
A: If you are not running Vista, enable powershell using optional features control panel. If you are using Vista, install PowerShell from here: https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB968930
Alternatively, use an older version.
Q: Does it support multi-boot?
A: Sometimes. If you can't get it to work try using something like rEFInd.
Q: Help! My PC won't boot!
A: Boot into Windows Installation media in EFI mode and press Shift+F10 to launch cmd. Then type diskpart and then type:
lis dis
Identify your system disk and then type: (where * is the number of your system disk)
sel dis *
Then type:
lis par
Identify the partition labelled as System and type: (where ? is the number of the system parition)
sel par ?
Then type:
for fs=fat32 quick
Then type:
After that is done, exit cmd and press 'Next' on the setup screen, and then press 'Repair your computer'
After a while you should see 'Corrupt boot configuration is detected bla bla bla'. Press 'Repair and restart'.
Your PC should be able to boot again.
@nononsence (for bootloader and original WindSLIC)
@FreeStyler for providing OEM:SLP keys used in script
@Windows_Addict and @abbodi1406 for scripting ideas and great assistance in scripting
@Sajjo for testing this tool
@Tito for moving this to the MDL Projects and Applications forum, stickying it and helping in SLIC detection............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ EzWindSLIC_3.62f_traditional.zip
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