
vSAN 搭建 ESA,添加更多磁盘报错 Failed to create storage pool disk(s) with exception: Failed to invoke create

hqy hqy 发表于2024-07-03 12:14:00 浏览402 评论0


目前是5节点,每节点1个240G SSD系统,3个300G SSD 数据盘,组EAS后,每台ESXI占用了25、26G内存---- 关键的一点,没注意磁盘数跟内存的关系,难怪官方说内存要512G。。。。

每个节点新增加3个300G SSD 数据盘,声明后,直接报错

将主机上的磁盘添加到存储池 出现了常规系统错误: Failed to create storage pool disk(s) with exception: Failed to invoke create FS on disk: mpx.vmhba0:C0:T6:L0 with error: Unable to complete Sysinfo operation. Please see the VMkernel log file for more details.: Sysinfo error: Out of memorySee VMkernel log for details.administrator@vsphere.local33 毫秒2024/07/03 08:38:312024/07/03 08:38:4312 秒

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 出现了常规系统错误: Failed to create storage pool disk(s) with exception: Failed to invoke create FS on disk: mpx.vmhba0:C0:T6:L0 with error: Unable to complete Sysinfo operation. Please see the VMkernel log file for more details.: Sysinfo error: Out of memorySee VMkernel log for details.

相关同款问题的链接  https://hqyman.cn/post/6930.html  

Out of memory  内存爆了,无法创建, 解决方法:增加esxi的内存。。。。

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