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3、 一位之前未被识别到的相关方报告说,他们的职能领域受到很大影响,但没有持续通知他们关键项目的状态,项目经理首先应该做什么?
A stakeholder who failed to identify the issue previously reports that their functional areas are greatly affected, but does not keep them informed of the status of key projects. What should the project manager do in the first place?

  • A :审查项目的沟通方法 To examine the means of communication regarding this project

  • B : 检查并更新相关方登记册 To check and update the register of stakeholders

  • C :立即和该相关方开会确认 To immediately hold a meeting with such stakeholder for confirmation

  • D :审查并更新沟通管理计划 To examine and update the communication management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:D
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P505 章节:13 识别相关方的迭代性:项目进入其生命周期的不同阶段;当前相关方不再与项目工作有关,或者在项目的相关方社区中出现了新的相关方成员;组织内部或更大区域的相关方社区发生重大变化。 出现以上三点情况时要重新识别相关方,并更新相关方登记册

26、 一个敏捷团队刚刚完成了最终项目可交付成果的开发。团队成员正在向项目经理寻求下一步的建议。项目经理应该建议团队下一步做什么?
An agile team has just completed the development of the final project's deliverable. The team members are seeking advice from the project manager as to their next step. What should the project manager advise the team to do next?

  • A :确定验收标准 Determine the acceptance criteria

  • B :确保用户故事符合准备就绪的定义(DoR) Ensure that the user stories meet the definition of ready (DoR)

  • C :举行项目回顾 Hold a project retrospective

  • D : 验证可交付成果是否符合完成的定义(DoD) Verify that the deliverables meet the definition of done (DoD)

正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P151 章节:术语表 完成的定义DoD:它是团队需要满足的所有标准的核对单,只有可交付成果满足该核对单才能视为准备就绪可供客户使用。 敏捷项目完成后,检查DOD,以验证是否满足标准

27、 你正在促成一个与关键相关方的会议,讨论一个将使用敏捷项目管理方法进行的新项目。其中一个相关方关心的是项目如何与公司的整体组织战略相适应。你会为相关方提出什么建议来解决他们的担忧?
You are facilitating a meeting with key stakeholders to discuss a new project that will be conducted using an agile project management approach. One of the stakeholders is concerned about how the project fits in with the company's overall organizational strategy. What would you recommend to the stakeholder to address their concern?

  • A : 查看效益管理计划 Look at the benefits management plan

  • B :审查假设日志 Review the assumption log

  • C :检查工作分解结构 Examine the work breakdown structure

  • D :询问项目发起人 Ask the project sponsor

正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P33 章节: 效益管理计划:项目生命周期早期应确定目标效益,并据此制定效益管理计划战略一致性(例如项目效益与组织业务战略的一致程度) 项目还没有启动,先看商业文件,商业文件包括商业论证和效益管理计划

28、 项目经理发现关键路径上一项活动的开始到结束依赖关系遗漏了。项目进度计划已经与客户沟通,若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
The project manager identifies that a finish-to-start dependency for an activity on the critical path is missing. The project schedule was already communicated to the customer. What should the project manager have done to avoid this issue?

  • A :审查工作分解结构 Reviewed the work breakdown structure

  • B : 进行进度网络分析 Conducted a schedule network analysis

  • C :制定风险管理计划 Prepared a risk management plan

  • D :进行挣值分析 Conducted an earned value analysis

正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P209 章节: 进度网络分析是创建项目进度模型的一种综合技术,它采用了其他几种技术,例如关键路径法、资源优化技术和建模技术。 进度网络图中有各个活动之间依赖关系。

32、 由于国际文化差异,一个跨国项目的相关方未能批准项目管理计划,为减轻这个问题应该事先做什么?
Because of national cultural differences, stakeholders of a transnational project failed to approve the project management plan. What should be done in advance to alleviate this problem?

  • A :审查问题更新日志,以反映项目管理计划可能不会获得批准 Review the issue update log to reflect that the project management plan may not be approved

  • B :要求相关方提前反馈 Ask stakeholders to give feedback in advance

  • C : 更新相关方登记册并了解相关方需求 Update stakeholder register and pay attention to stakeholder needs

  • D :用一种通用的沟通语言培训团队 Use a common communication language to train the team

正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P504 章节:13 项目经理和团队正确识别并合理引导所有相关方参与的能力,能决定着项目的成败 正确识别并引导参与决定项目成败

33、 在规划阶段审查项目管理计划时,发起人表示他们希望通过删除一些需求来减少预算,项目经理应该做什么?
While reviewing the project management plan during the planning phase,the sponsor indicates that they want to decrease the budget by removing some requirements.What should the project manager do?

  • A : 与相关方讨论,以确定此范围变更是否可行 Discuss with stakeholders to determine if this scope change is feasible

  • B :签发变更请求,以减少项目范围 Issue a change request to decrease the project's scope

  • C :更新计划,仅包含新的需求集 Update the plan to include only the new set of requirements

  • D :执行成本效益分析,以确定实际可以删除哪些需求 Perform a cost-benefit analysis to determine what requirement can actually be remove

正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 在基准确定之前,变更无需正式受控于实施整体变更控制过程。 先讨论,然后再做出决策。

41、 应该使用下列哪一种定量方法来制定项目预算?
What quantitative approach should be used in developing a project budget?

  • A :帕累托图 Pareto diagrams

  • B : 参数估算 Parametric judgment estimating

  • C :专家判断 Expert judgment estimation

  • D :净值管理 Earned value management

正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P244 章节: 参数估算是指利用历史数据之间的统计关系和其他变量(如建筑施工中的平方英尺),来进行项目工作的成本估算 参数估算是一种定量估算方法,挣值分析是一种控制成本的工具。所以D不对

48、 为了满足正在制定的政府税收新法规,一家组织启动了一个项目,来修改其企业资源规划(ERP)系统。在管理这个项目时,项目经理应该做什么?
To meet new government tax regulations under development,an organization initiates a project to revise its enterprise resource planning(ERP)system.What should the project manager do when managing this project?

  • A :将其搁置,直到新法规得到明确规定 Place it on hold until the new regulations have been clearly define

  • B : 创建一份工料合同(T&M) Create a time and material(T&M)contract

  • C :使用总价加经济价格调整合同(FPEPA) Use a fixed price with economic price adjustment(FPEPA)

  • D :制定一份灵活的工作说明书(SOW),规定明确退出条款 Develop a flexible statement of work(SOW)that has a clear exit clause

正确答案:B 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P471 章节: 工料合同是兼具成本补偿合同和总价合同特点的混合型合同。这种合同往往适用于:在无法快速编制出准确的工作说明书的情况下扩充人员、聘用专家或寻求外部支持。 这题无法准确定义工作说明书

65、 Engulf Enterprises的项目经理Mark正在验证相关方参与计划,以改善相关方的参与。以下哪个项目文件将对正在执行的项目管理过程产生最大的影响?(选择三项)
Mark, Project Manager of Engulf Enterprises is verifying Stakeholder engagement plan for making improvements in stakeholder engagement. Which of the below Project documents will have most impact on Project Management Process being performed (Choose Three)

  • A : 风险登记册 Risk Register

  • B :资源跟踪矩阵 Resource Traceability Matrix

  • C : 相关方登记册 Stakeholder Register

  • D :相关方参与度评估矩阵 Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix

  • E : 问题日志 Issue Log

正确答案:A,C,E 你的答案:C,D,E
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P518 章节: 项目文件:问题日志(E)风险登记册(A)相关方登记册(C) ITTO题

70、 在启动为一家大公司创建服务的过渡项目时,项目经理发现存在多个具有相互竞争需求的业务领域。若要获得相关方的共识,项目经理应该做什么?
While inviting a transition project to create service for a large company,a project manager discovers that there are multiple business areas with competing requirements.What should the project manager do to obtain consensus among stakeholders?

  • A : 与相关方开会,以获得必要的信息 Meet with stakeholders to obtain the necessary information

  • B :进行业务领域评估,以了解独特需求 Conduct business area evaluation to understand unique needs

  • C :确保项目发起人承诺负责项目章程 Ensure that the project sponsor commits to the project charter.

  • D :协商每个业务领域最有资质的资源 Negotiation for the most-qualified resources to obtain the necessary information

正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P145 章节: 引导:引导与主题研讨会结合使用,把主要相关方召集在一起定义产品需求。研讨会可用于快速定义跨职能需求并协调相关方的需求差异。 快速定义跨职能需求并协调相关方的需求差异

82、 在项目执行过程中,项目经理评估客户添加的更多质量检查的请求,由于在初步测试中发现一些缺陷,产品经理对此表示赞同,然而,项目团队却不认为这将有助于实现项目目标,为确保质量,项目经理应该怎么做?
In the execution of the project, the project manager assessed the customer to add more quality inspection requests. The product manager agreed with the defects found in the preliminary tests. However, the project team did not believe that this would help achieve the project objectives. What should the project manager do to ensure quality?

  • A :修订过程改进计划 Revise the process improvement plan

  • B :分析工作绩效信息 Analyze the work performance information

  • C :使用七种基本质量工具 Use seven basic quality tools

  • D : 更新质量管理计划 Update the quality management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:B
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P286 章节: 质量管理计划包括(但不限于)以下组成部分:项目采用的质量标准;项目的质量目标;质量角色与职责;需要质量审查的项目可交付成果和过程; 质量检查请求的活动在质量管理计划里。

83、 一名新项目经理与由高级技术人员组成的项目团体工作,在制定项目治理中,新项目经理将有来自高级技术人员的阻力。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
A new project manager works with a project team comprised of senior technical staff. During the establishment of project governance, the new project manager anticipates that there will be resistance from the senior technical staff. What should the project manager do next?

  • A :为项目团队成员建立角色和职责 Establish roles and responsibilities for the project team members.

  • B :制定并同意项目人员配备方案 Establish and agree on project staff assignments.

  • C :制定工作分解结构 Establish a work breakdown structure.

  • D : 制定并同意团队运行规则 Establish and agree on team operating rules.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P319 章节: 团队章程:团队价值观;沟通指南;决策标准和过程;冲突处理过程;会议指南;团队共识。 需要有团队的基本规则,来确定团队的纪律、价值观和一致性。

84、 项目团队成员在地理位置、文化以及工作实践方面存在多样化,若要确保团队遵从标准方法,项目经理可以怎么做?
When project team members are diverse regarding their locations, cultures, and work practice, what can a project manager do to ensure that the team adheres to a common standard approach?

  • A : 采用由所有团队成员都同意的最佳实践。 Adopt best practices agreed to by all team members.

  • B :在风险登记册中记录并接受相关风险,但允许有充足的项目应急。 Note and accept the associated risks in the risk register, but allow for sufficient project contingency.

  • C :使用帕累托图确定在哪里可以实现共性。 Use a Pareto diagram to determine where commonality can be achieved.

  • D :在制定项目管理计划之前要求团队输入。 Ask for team input prior to developing the project management plan.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P319 章节: 团队章程:团队价值观;沟通指南;决策标准和过程;冲突处理过程;会议指南;团队共识。 所有成员都同意的最佳实践,属于团队章程

91、 项目经理完成了一个新产品开发项目的规划过程。在继续进入执行过程组之前需要完成的最后一个重要里程碑是什么?
The project manager completes the planning process for a new product development project.What is the last important milestone that needs to be completed before proceeding with the execution process?

  • A :最终确定项目章程 To finalize the Project Charter

  • B :接收执行项目的项目资金 To receive project funds for the project implementation

  • C : 获得发起人和相关方的批准 To seek approval from the sponsor and stakeholders

  • D :执行相关方管理策略 To execute stakeholders' management strategies

正确答案:C 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P86 章节: 项目管理计划项目管理计划是说明项目执行、监控和收尾方式的一份文件,它整合并综合了所有子管理计划和基准,以及管理项目所需的其他信息。 项目管理计划批准以后才能执行

97、 项目经理与项目相关方开会,收集需求并制作项目需求文档。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
The project manager meets with the stakeholders, gathers requirements, and develop the project requirement documentation. What should the project manager do next?

  • A :制定需求基准,并获得关键关系人的批准 Baseline the requirement and obtain key stakeholders approve

  • B :与团队一起创建工作分解结构 Create the work breakdown structure with team

  • C : 准备一份详细的项目范围说明 书Prepare a detailed project scope statement

  • D :制定项目管理计划 Develop a project management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P151 章节:5.3 定义范围:在收集需求过程中识别出的所有需求未必都包含在项目中,所以定义范围过程就要从需求文件中选取最终的项目需求,然后制定出关于产品的详细描述。准备好详细的项目范围说明书,对项目成功至关重要。 定义范围的作用。

102、 一名新项目经理必须了解项目相关方在项目中的利益、关系、期望和影响。项目经理需要根据这些关系建立联系。下列哪一项将帮助项目经理完成这项工作?
A new project manager must gain an understanding of stakeholders’ interests, relations, expectations, and influence on a project. The project manager must also leverage relation build coalitions. What will help the project manager accomplish this?

  • A : 相关方分析 Stakeholder analysis

  • B :人际关系技巧 Interpersonal skills

  • C :分析技术 Analytical techniques

  • D :相关方参与度评估矩阵 Stakeholders engagement assessment matrix

正确答案:A 你的答案:D
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P512 章节: 相关方分析会产生相关方清单和关于相关方的各种信息,例如,在组织内的位置、在项目中的角色、与项目的利害关系、期望、态度(对项目的支持程度),以及对项目信息的兴趣。 利益、关系、期望、影响

117、 项目接近完工,团队成员向项目经理报告一个会影响到重要期限的问题,每周状态报告将在第二天发送主要相关方,项目经理下一步该怎么做?
When the project is nearing completion, the team members report to the project manager a problem that will affect the critical period, and the weekly status report will send the key stakeholders the next day, and what should the project manager do next?

  • A :更新问题日志,通知发起人并使用问题升级流程,向相关方报告可能延迟 Update the problem log, notify the initiator and use the problem escalation process to report possible delays to relevant parties

  • B :在下一次状态周报告中通知相关方,与他们讨论可能的解决方案,并请求预算和进度延期 Notify stakeholders in the next status week report about possible solutions and request budget and schedule delays

  • C :核实这个问题是否包含在风险计划中,如不在,则应该将其包含在内,并编制风险减轻计划 Verify that the issue is included in the risk plan and, if not, include it and prepare a risk mitigation plan

  • D : 更新问题日志,将可以帮助解决问题的所有人员包含在内,并与相关方就此问题进行沟通 Update the issue log, include all people who can help solve the problem, and communicate with relevant parties on this issue

正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P96 章节: 问题日志可以帮助项目经理有效跟进和管理问题,确保它们得到调查和解决。作为本过程的输出,问题日志被首次创建,尽管在项目期间任何时候都可能发生问题。在整个项目生命周期应该随同监控活动更新问题日志。 问题日志可以帮助项目经理跟进和管理问题,确保它们得到调查和解决。

122、 在被要求比预期时间更早地完成项目的行政收尾时,项目经理应该做什么?
What should a project manager do when asked to complete a project's administrative closure earlier than expected?

  • A :重定需求规范的基准 Re-baseline the requirements specifications

  • B :确保项目文档已存档 Ensure that project documentation is archive

  • C :更新问题日志 Update the issue log

  • D : 提交变更请求 Submit a change request

正确答案:D 你的答案:B
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P113 章节:4.6 变更流程:变更提出后,先分析影响,再提交含解决措施的变更请求给CCB 改变了进度基准,需要提交变更请求。

124、 你的公司被一位客户承包来进行一个软件开发项目。项目将使用敏捷方法来交付产品增量。然而,对于客户来说,该项目将是他们第一次体验敏捷。你想要确保客户端获得软件早期和持续交付的全部好处。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
Your company has been contracted by a client for a software development project. The project will use agile methods to deliver product increments. For the client, however, this project will be their first experience with agile. You want to make sure that the client gains the full benefit of early and continuous delivery of software. What is your best course of action?

  • A :制定变更管理计划来应对不可避免的变更 Develop a change management plan to address the inevitable changes

  • B :请求客户参与产品测试以加快交付速度 Request the client to take part in product testing to speed up delivery

  • C : 在项目可交付成果的时间安排上获得与客户的一致 Gain alignment with the client on the timing of project deliverables

  • D :指导项目团队在单个版本中开发所有功能 Instruct the project team to develop all features in a single release

正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P55 章节:5.2.5 展示/评审:使项目敏捷的一个基本要素是频繁地交付工作产品。一个没有展示或发布的团队,其学习的速度不会快,并且很可能并未采用敏捷技术。团队可能需要额外的引导来保证频繁的交付。 使用项目敏捷的一个基本要素是频繁地交付工作产品。

130、 一个成本控制敏感项目团队分布在三个位置——存在时区、语言、沟通问题。若要解决这些问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
A cost-control-sensitive project has teams in three locations-with time-zone, language and communication issues. What should the project manager do to manage these issues?

  • A :召开定期的视频会议 Hold periodic video-conferencing meetings

  • B : 使用电子邮件让沟通可跟踪 Make communications traceable using email

  • C :使用拉式沟通方法 Use the pull communication method

  • D :确保关键任务分配给处于单独位置的团队 Ensure that critical tasks are assigned to a single location

正确答案:B 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P374 章节: 互动沟通,诸如会议、电话、即时信息、社交媒体 和视频会议等沟通工件。推式沟通,信件、备忘录、报告、电子邮件、传真、语音邮件、博客、新闻稿。拉式沟通,门户网站、企业内网、电子在线课程、经验教训数据库或知识库 时区、语言、沟通都存在问题,同时成本敏感,电子邮件会适合一些。

131、 在每日站会上,开发团队的两名成员开始争论来自WBS的一个特定的工作包是否已经满足了被认为是完整的要求。项目团队的两名成员都将被闲置,直到达成解决方案。在会议结束之前,项目经理首先应该做什么?
During a daily standup meeting, two members of the development team begin arguing over whether or not a particular work package from the WBS has met requirements to be considered complete. Both project team members will be idled until a resolution can be reached. Before adjourning the meeting, what should the project manager do first?

  • A :审查需求文件 Review the requirements documentation

  • B :参阅需求跟踪矩阵 Refer to the requirements traceability matrix

  • C :执行确认范围过程 Perform the Validate Scope process

  • D : 在问题日志中记录障碍 Record the impediment in the issue log

正确答案:D 你的答案:B
解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P54 章节:5.2.4 为每日站会规定时间盒,不超出 15 分钟。站会是为了发现存在问题,而不是解决它们。将问题添加到停车场区,然后创建另一次会议,它可以在站会之后立即召开,并在会上解决问题。 每日站会不解决问题。

141、 在收到一个关系稳固的客户签署的协议之前,项目经理假定项目具有激进的完成日期。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
Prior to receiving a signed agreement from a steady customer,a project manager assumes a project with an aggressive completion date.What should the project manager do next?

  • A :让更多项目资源参与,以满足完成日期 Engage resources to meet the completion date

  • B :创建应急储备以允许对进度计划赶工 Create a contingency reserve to allow for schedule crashing

  • C : 获得项目发起人的授权以开始该项目 Obtain authorization from the project sponsor to begin the project

  • D :与客户开会,加快项目协议的谈判 Meet with the customer to expedite negotiation of the project agreement

正确答案:C 你的答案:B
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P81 章节: 项目章程是由项目启动者或发起人发布的,正式批准项目成立,并授权项目经理使用组织资源开展项目活动的文件。它记录了关于项目和项目预期交付的产品、服务或成果的高层级信息 项目要在章程正式批准后才能正式开始。

142、 一个优化项目的项目经理认为范围管理计划已完成,他已经制定并准备最终确定工作分解结构(WBS)。一位关键相关方识别到一项他认为被忽视并且应纳入范围的新需求。如果不解决这个问题,项目将失败。项目经理应该做什么?
The project manager of an optimization project believes that the scope management plan has been completed, and he has developed and is preparing to finalize the work breakdown structure (WBS). A key stakeholder identified a new requirement that he believed was ignored and should be included in the scope. If this problem is not resolved, the project will fail. What should the project manager do?

  • A :咨询变更控制委员会(CCB) Advisory Change Control Board (CCB)

  • B : 将需求纳入项目中 Incorporate requirements into the project

  • C :将该问题升级上报给项目发起人决策 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor for decision

  • D :评估有关时间、成本以及预算的需求 Assess needs regarding time, cost, and budget

正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P115 章节:4.6 在基准确定之前,变更无需正式受控于实施整体变更控制过程。 基准还没确定,重要的需求可以直接考虑纳入

147、 一旦项目移交给运营团队,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
Once a project is handed over to operation.What should a project manager do next?

  • A :归档所有项目文件,并向相关方提供访问权限 Archive all project documents,and provide access to stakeholders

  • B :进行绩效评估,并释放项目资源 Conduct a performance review,and release project resources

  • C :将经验教训登记册提交给相关方 Submit the lessons learned register to stakeholders

  • D : 将相关方的反馈加入经验教训库 Incorporate stakeholder feedback into the lessons learned repository

正确答案:D 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P121 章节:4.7 收尾流程:已经移交,接下来测量相关方的满意,完成经验教训总结。 测量相关方的满意度。

148、 项目经理了解到主题专家(SME)正在考虑离开公司,该专家资源在其主题领域拥有深厚知识,很难被替代,为确保主题专家能在整个项目期间留在项目中,项目经理与主题专家的经理讨论可能的措施,这些措施应记录在哪些文件中?
The project manager learned that the subject matter expert (SME) was considering leaving the company, the expert resource has deep knowledge in its subject area and is difficult to replace, to ensure that the subject matter expert can remain in the project throughout the project, the project manager discusses possible measures with the manager of the subject matter, and what documents should be recorded in these measures?

  • A :人力资源计划 Human resources planning

  • B : 风险登记册 Risk Register

  • C :风险管理计划 Risk management Plan

  • D :组织分解结构 Organizational Breakdown Structure

正确答案:B 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P448 章节: 风险登记册:商定的应对策略;实施所选应对策略所需要的具体行动;风险发生的触发条件、征兆和预警信号;实施所选应对策略所需要的预算和进度活动 商定完应对策略后,记录到风险登记册中

153、 一位项目经理被分配到一个大型银行公司的敏捷软件开发项目。在项目刚刚开始的时候,项目经理已经了解了一些新的黑客战术,这些战术对项目的法规合规性构成了潜在的威胁。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
A project manager is assigned to an agile software development project for a large banking corporation. With the project just getting underway, the project manager has learned about new hacking tactics that present a potential threat to regulatory compliance for the project. What should the project manager do next?

  • A :审查项目回顾期间的风险 Review the risks during the project retrospective

  • B : 分析不合规的后果 Analyze the consequences of non-compliance

  • C :提交变更请求以更新风险管理计划 Submit a change request to update the risk management plan

  • D :制定累积流程图 Develop a cumulative flow diagram

正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P419 章节:11.3 实施定性风险分析是通过评估单个项目风险发生的概率和影响以及其他特征,对风险进行优先级排序,从而为后续分析或行动提供基础的过程。 看到潜在的、可能的、假设的,要想到风险。识别完风险后要定性分析

157、 传统管理的项目使用Scrum来开发项目可交付成果。敏捷发布规划要求将最近完成的MVP部署到生产中。然而,质量保证(QA)部门拒绝了MVP,声称部门的政策和程序没有处理中期可交付成果的实施。将问题记录在障碍板上后,项目经理接下来应该做什么?
A traditionally managed project is using Scrum to develop the project deliverables. The agile release plan calls for the recently completed MVP to be deployed into production. However, the quality assurance (QA) department rejects the MVP stating that the department's policies and procedures do not address the implementation of interim deliverables. After recording the issue on the impediment board, what should the project manager do next?

  • A :提交变更请求以更新质量控制测量结果 Submit a change request to update the quality control measurements

  • B : 请求项目发起人帮助获得必要的批准 Request the project sponsor's help with obtaining the necessary approvals

  • C :无视QA部门的意见,并按计划发布MVP Ignore the QA department's opinion and release the MVP as scheduled

  • D :使项目团队在部署前交付功能完整的产品 Ask the project team to deliver a feature-complete product before deployment

正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P74 章节:6.1.2 变革就绪情况:积极明确的管理层支持;变革管理实践,包括沟通和引导;逐个项目应用敏捷实践向团队增量地引入敏捷实践;以及通过采取适用的敏捷技术和实践示范引导。 需要领导明确支持敏捷实践的变革。

162、 在团队会议期间,项目经理不能保持项目团队的注意力,团队成员不断查看电子邮件,并讨论不相关的话题,发生这种问题的原因是什么?
During team meetings, the project manager cannot maintain the project team’s attention. Team members constantly check emails and discuss unrelated topics. What is the cause of this issue?

  • A :项目经理没有准备会议议程 The project manager does not have a meeting agenda

  • B : 项目经理没有沟通团队原则 The project manager has not communicated the ground rules

  • C :项目经理处于一个弱矩阵型组织 The project manager is in a weak matrix organization

  • D :项目经理的领导力不足 The project manager has inadequate leadership skills

正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P319 章节: 团队章程:团队价值观;沟通指南;决策标准和过程;冲突处理过程;会议指南;团队共识。 需要有团队的基本规则,来确定团队的纪律、价值观和一致性。

165、 你收到客户通知,他们公司对于你们产品的设计标准有点问题将会影响到整个系统。如果这真的发生了将会对你的项目产生大麻烦。客户一个星期之后来与你讨论你的团队能否在这方面返工。过去与这位客户都是非正式的交流,而这次他要一个正式的会议。你将如何准备这个会议?
Your client informs you that his company has a problem with the current design specification of your product and how it will interface to existing systems. If this occurs, it could be a major problem for your project. The client is coming to your office in one week to discuss the problem to see what your team can do to overcome the setback. All previous meeting ware informal with this client, but this time he wants a formal meeting. What should you do to prepare for this meeting?

  • A :更新进度计划并且采取一个被动的角色,因为客户没有告诉你这个潜在问题的细节是什么 Update the schedule and assume an inactive role since the client has not given you the specifics of the potential problem

  • B :确认你的团队已经提高了生产率,让客户看到你们是多么的有效率 Make sure that the team has increased productivity so the client can see how efficient you team is performing

  • C :通知团队成员让他们准备一份讨论议题 Assemble the team and ask them to prepare an agenda for topics to discuss

  • D : 明确每一个成员有他们准备任何议题及所需计划的任务 Make sure that each team members have their assignments in preparation for any topics and needed plans

正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P386 章节: 会议管理:准备并发布会议议程;确保会议在规定的时间开始和结束;确保参与者受邀并出席;切题;处理会议中的期望、问题和冲突;记录所有行动以及所分配的行动责任人。 需要明确会议议程,包含了具体的计划和目标。

173、 在酒店建设项目的执行过程中,负责实施特定风险应对策略的人已经离开了执行组织,项目经理已经确定了一个新相关方来承担这些责任。更新相关方登记册后,项目经理接下来应该做什么?
During execution of a hotel construction project, the person responsible for implementing a particular risk response strategy has left the performing organization, and the project manager has identified a new stakeholder to assume those responsibilities. After updating the stakeholder register, what should the project manager do next?

  • A :更新风险管理计划 Update the risk management plan

  • B : 修订风险登记册 Revise the risk register

  • C :向PMO通知新的相关方 Notify the PMO of the new stakeholder

  • D :执行实施定性风险分析过程 Execute the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process

正确答案:B 你的答案:A
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P427 章节: 风险登记册:每项单个项目风险的概率和影响评估优先级别或风险分值指定风险责任人风险紧迫性信息或风险类别低优先级风险的观察清单 风险登记册中记录了风险责任人。

178、 项目经理正在对比项目预算与行业指数,项目经理注意到项目预算低于类似项目的预算,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is comparing the project budget with the industry index. The project manager noticed that the project budget was lower than the budget for similar projects. What should the project manager do?

  • A :更新风险登记册 Update risk register

  • B :调节资金限制 Regulate funding limit

  • C :执行储备分析 Execute reserve analysis

  • D : 请求专家判断 Request expert judgment

正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P252 章节: 专家判断应征求具备以下专业知识或接受过相关培训的个人或小组的意见:以往类似项目;来自行业、学科和应用领域的信息;财务原则;资金需求和来源。 项目经理对比的是行业信息,因此选择专家判断。储备分析与题干无关

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