
DPlayer ? Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player

? Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player

 0:00 / 04:20

#Special Thanks


DPlayer ? Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player


Using npm:

npm install dplayer --save

Using Yarn:

yarn add dplayer

#Quick Start

At first, let's initialize a simplest DPlayer

Load DPlayer files

<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>

Or work with module bundler:

import DPlayer from 'dplayer';const dp = new DPlayer(options);

Initialization in js:

const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    screenshot: true,
    video: {
        url: 'demo.mp4',
        pic: 'demo.jpg',
        thumbnails: 'thumbnails.jpg',
    subtitle: {
        url: 'webvtt.vtt',
    danmaku: {
        id: 'demo',
        api: 'https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/',


You can custom your player instance by those options

containerdocument.querySelector('.dplayer')player container
livefalseenable live mode, see #live
autoplayfalsevideo autoplay
theme'#b7daff'main color
loopfalsevideo loop
langnavigator.language.toLowerCase()values: 'en', 'zh-cn', 'zh-tw'
screenshotfalseenable screenshot, if true, video and video poster must enable Cross-Origin
airplayfalseenable airplay in Safari
chromecastfalseenable Chromecast
hotkeytrueenable hotkey, support FF, FR, volume control, play & pause
preload'auto'values: 'none', 'metadata', 'auto'
volume0.7default volume, notice that player will remember user setting, default volume will not work after user set volume themselves
playbackSpeed[0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2]optional playback speed, or or you can set a custom one
logo-showing logo in the top left corner, you can adjust its size and position by CSS
apiBackend-getting and sending danmaku in your way, see #live
preventClickTogglefalseprevent toggle video play/pause status when click player
video-video info
video.quality-see #Quality switching
video.defaultQuality-see #Quality switching
video.url-video url
video.pic-video poster
video.thumbnails-video thumbnails, generated by DPlayer-thumbnails(opens new window)
video.type'auto'values: 'auto', 'hls', 'flv', 'dash', 'webtorrent', 'normal' or other custom type, see #MSE support
video.customType-custom video type, see #MSE support
subtitle-external subtitle
subtitle.urlrequiredsubtitle url
subtitle.type'webvtt'subtitle type, values: 'webvtt', 'ass', but only webvtt is supported for now
subtitle.fontSize'20px'subtitle font size
subtitle.bottom'40px'the distance between the subtitle and player bottom, values like: '10px' '10%'
subtitle.color'#fff'subtitle color
danmaku-showing danmaku
danmaku.idrequireddanmaku pool id, it must be unique
danmaku.apirequiredsee #Danmaku API
danmaku.token-back end verification token
danmaku.maximum-danmaku maximum quantity
danmaku.addition-additional danmaku, see #bilibili danmaku
danmaku.user'DIYgod'danmaku user name
danmaku.bottom-values like: '10px' '10%', the distance between the danmaku bottom and player bottom, in order to prevent warding off subtitle
danmaku.unlimitedfalsedisplay all danmaku even though danmaku overlap, notice that player will remember user setting, default setting will not work after user set it themselves
danmaku.speedRate1danmaku speed multiplier, the larger the faster
contextmenu[]custom contextmenu
highlight[]custom time markers upon progress bar
mutextrueprevent to play multiple player at the same time, pause other players when this player start play
const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    autoplay: false,
    theme: '#FADFA3',
    loop: true,
    lang: 'zh-cn',
    screenshot: true,
    hotkey: true,
    preload: 'auto',
    logo: 'logo.png',
    volume: 0.7,
    mutex: true,
    video: {
        url: 'dplayer.mp4',
        pic: 'dplayer.png',
        thumbnails: 'thumbnails.jpg',
        type: 'auto',
    subtitle: {
        url: 'dplayer.vtt',
        type: 'webvtt',
        fontSize: '25px',
        bottom: '10%',
        color: '#b7daff',
    danmaku: {
        id: '9E2E3368B56CDBB4',
        api: 'https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/',
        token: 'tokendemo',
        maximum: 1000,
        addition: ['https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/v3/bilibili?aid=4157142'],
        user: 'DIYgod',
        bottom: '15%',
        unlimited: true,
        speedRate: 0.5,
    contextmenu: [
            text: 'custom1',
            link: 'https://github.com/DIYgod/DPlayer',
            text: 'custom2',
            click: (player) => {
    highlight: [
            text: 'marker for 20s',
            time: 20,
            text: 'marker for 2mins',
            time: 120,


  • dp.play(): play video

  • dp.pause(): pause video

  • dp.seek(time: number): seek to specified time

  • dp.toggle(): toggle between play and pause

  • dp.on(event: string, handler: function): bind video and player events, see more details(opens new window)

  • dp.switchVideo(video, danmaku): switch to a new video

            url: 'second.mp4',
            pic: 'second.png',
            thumbnails: 'second.jpg',
            id: 'test',
            api: 'https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/',
            maximum: 3000,
            user: 'DIYgod',
  • dp.notice(text: string, time: number, opacity: number): show message, the unit of time is millisecond, the default of time is 2000, the default of opacity is 0.8

    dp.notice('Amazing player', 2000, 0.8);
  • dp.switchQuality(index: number): switch quality

  • dp.destroy(): destroy player

  • dp.speed(rate: number): set video speed

  • dp.volume(percentage: number, nostorage: boolean, nonotice: boolean): set video volume

    dp.volume(0.1, true, false);
  • dp.video: native video

  • dp.video.currentTime: returns the current playback position

  • dp.video.duration: returns video total time

  • dp.video.paused: returns whether the video paused

  • most native api (opens new window)are supported

  • dp.danmaku

  • dp.danmaku.send(danmaku, callback: function): submit a new danmaku to back end

            text: 'dplayer is amazing',
            color: '#b7daff',
            type: 'right', // should be `top` `bottom` or `right`
        function () {
  • dp.danmaku.draw(danmaku): draw a new danmaku to player in real time

        text: 'DIYgod is amazing',
        color: '#fff',
        type: 'top',});
  • dp.danmaku.opacity(percentage: number): set danmaku opacity, opacity should between 0 and 1

  • dp.danmaku.clear(): clear all danmakus

  • dp.danmaku.hide(): hide danmaku

  • dp.danmaku.show(): show danmaku

  • dp.fullScreen: two type: web or browser, the default one is browser

  • dp.fullScreen.request(type: string): request fullscreen

  • dp.fullScreen.cancel(type: string): cancel fullscreen


#Event binding

dp.on(event, handler)

dp.on('ended', function () {
    console.log('player ended');});

Video events

  • abort

  • canplay

  • canplaythrough

  • durationchange

  • emptied

  • ended

  • error

  • loadeddata

  • loadedmetadata

  • loadstart

  • mozaudioavailable

  • pause

  • play

  • playing

  • progress

  • ratechange

  • seeked

  • seeking

  • stalled

  • suspend

  • timeupdate

  • volumechange

  • waiting

Player events

  • screenshot

  • thumbnails_show

  • thumbnails_hide

  • danmaku_show

  • danmaku_hide

  • danmaku_clear

  • danmaku_loaded

  • danmaku_send

  • danmaku_opacity

  • contextmenu_show

  • contextmenu_hide

  • notice_show

  • notice_hide

  • quality_start

  • quality_end

  • destroy

  • resize

  • fullscreen

  • fullscreen_cancel

  • webfullscreen

  • webfullscreen_cancel

  • subtitle_show

  • subtitle_hide

  • subtitle_change

#Quality switching

Set video url and video type in video.quality, set default quality by video.defaultQuality.

const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        quality: [
                name: 'HD',
                url: 'demo.m3u8',
                type: 'hls',
                name: 'SD',
                url: 'demo.mp4',
                type: 'normal',
        defaultQuality: 0,
        pic: 'demo.png',
        thumbnails: 'thumbnails.jpg',


#Danmaku API


Ready-made API

url: https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/

Daily backup data: DPlayer-data(opens new window)

Setting up yourself

DPlayer-node(opens new window)

#bilibili danmaku


API: https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/v3/bilibili?aid=[aid](opens new window)

const option = {
    danmaku: {
        // ...
        addition: ['https://api.prprpr.me/dplayer/v3/bilibili?aid=[aid]'],

#MSE support


It requires the library hls.js (opens new window)and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js.

<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="hls.min.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        url: 'demo.m3u8',
        type: 'hls',
    pluginOptions: {
        hls: {
            // hls config
    },});console.log(dp.plugins.hls); // Hls instance
// another way, use customTypeconst dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        url: 'demo.m3u8',
        type: 'customHls',
        customType: {
            customHls: function (video, player) {
                const hls = new Hls();


It requires the library dash.js (opens new window)and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js.

<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="dash.min.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        url: 'demo.mpd',
        type: 'dash',
    pluginOptions: {
        dash: {
            // dash config
    },});console.log(dp.plugins.dash); // Dash instance
// another way, use customTypeconst dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        url: 'demo.mpd',
        type: 'customDash',
        customType: {
            customDash: function (video, player) {
                dashjs.MediaPlayer().create().initialize(video, video.src, false);

#MPEG DASH (Shaka)

It requires the library shaka-player (opens new window)and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js.

<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="shaka-player.compiled.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    screenshot: true,
    video: {
        url: 'demo.mpd',
        type: 'shakaDash',
        customType: {
            shakaDash: function (video, player) {
                var src = video.src;
                var playerShaka = new shaka.Player(video); // 将会修改 video.src


It requires the library flv.js (opens new window)and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js.

<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="flv.min.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        url: 'demo.flv',
        type: 'flv',
    pluginOptions: {
        flv: {
            // refer to https://github.com/bilibili/flv.js/blob/master/docs/api.md#flvjscreateplayer
            mediaDataSource: {
                // mediaDataSource config
            config: {
                // config
    },});console.log(dp.plugins.flv); // flv instance
// another way, use customTypeconst dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        url: 'demo.flv',
        type: 'customFlv',
        customType: {
            customFlv: function (video, player) {
                const flvPlayer = flvjs.createPlayer({
                    type: 'flv',
                    url: video.src,


It requires the library webtorrent (opens new window)and it should be loaded before DPlayer.min.js.

<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="webtorrent.min.js"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        url: 'magnet:demo',
        type: 'webtorrent',
    pluginOptions: {
        webtorrent: {
            // webtorrent config
    },});console.log(dp.plugins.webtorrent); // WebTorrent instance
// another way, use customTypeconst dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        url: 'magnet:demo',
        type: 'customWebTorrent',
        customType: {
            customWebTorrent: function (video, player) {
                const client = new WebTorrent();
                const torrentId = video.src;
                client.add(torrentId, (torrent) => {
                    const file = torrent.files.find((file) => file.name.endsWith('.mp4'));
                            autoplay: player.options.autoplay,
                        () => {

#Work with other MSE library

DPlayer can work with any MSE library via customType option.

<div id="dplayer"></div><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cdnbye@latest"></script><script src="DPlayer.min.js"></script>
var type = 'normal';if (Hls.isSupported() && Hls.WEBRTC_SUPPORT) {
    type = 'customHls';}const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    video: {
        url: 'demo.m3u8',
        type: type,
        customType: {
            customHls: function (video, player) {
                const hls = new Hls({
                    debug: false,
                    // Other hlsjsConfig options provided by hls.js
                    p2pConfig: {
                        live: false,
                        // Other p2pConfig options provided by CDNBye http://www.cdnbye.com/en/


You can use DPlayer in live, but if you want live danmaku, you should prepare a WebSocket backend yourself.

Init player:

const dp = new DPlayer({
    container: document.getElementById('dplayer'),
    live: true,
    danmaku: true,
    apiBackend: {
        read: function (options) {
            console.log('Pretend to connect WebSocket');
        send: function (options) {
            console.log('Pretend to send danmaku via WebSocket', options.data);
    video: {
        url: 'demo.m3u8',
        type: 'hls',

Draw danmaku after getting a danmaku via WebSocket:

const danmaku = {
    text: 'Get a danmaku via WebSocket',
    color: '#fff',
    type: 'right',};dp.danmaku.draw(danmaku);


#Why can't player be full screen?

If player is contained in a iframe, try adding the allowfullscreen attribute to the iframe.

For full browser support it should look like this:

<iframe src="example.com" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" mozallowfullscreen="mozallowfullscreen" msallowfullscreen="msallowfullscreen" oallowfullscreen="oallowfullscreen" webkitallowfullscreen="webkitallowfullscreen"></iframe>

#Why can't player autoplay in some mobile browsers?

Most mobile browsers forbid video autoplay, you wont be able to achieve it without hacks.


DPlayer ? Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player

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