
vSAN Health Service - vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) configuration (89314)

hqy hqy 发表于2024-02-25 02:03:23 浏览481 评论0




This article introduces Cluster health - vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) configuration check in the vSAN Health Service and provides details on why it might report a warning/error and how to fix the warning/error state.


Q: What does the Cluster Health – vSphere Lifecycle Manager (vLCM) configuration check do?

When vSAN ESA is enabled, this health check will be triggered and performed. There are two ways to upgrade ESXi hosts - VUM(VMware Update Manager) or vLCM(vSphere Lifecycle Manager). For a vSAN ESA cluster, vLCM is the only supported method for upgrading the cluster via a Single Image. It will be performed when doing HCI quick start workflowvSAN Configuration and VUM upgrade precheck. This health check was introduced to assist users to check vLCM is enabled.

Q: What does it mean when it is in a warning state?

When it is in a yellow warning state, it means vLCM is not enabled. It is recommended users upgrade through vLCM instead of VUM.
If you are already done creating a cluster, please go to vSAN ESA Cluster → Updates → Image → Setup Image or Import Image

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