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The purpose of UDPing is to measure latency and packet loss across a link. It does this by sending a continuous stream of packets from a source to a destination, measuring latency and loss at the destination, and periodically outputting summary performance metrics.
UDPing has many useful features, including:
Efficient implementation - typical sampling rates are 100/second
Randomized Poisson sampling intervals
Multiple source ports (to exercise multiple ECMP paths)
Ability to specify multiple next-hop MAC addresses
Varied payload sizes
Supports multiple output formats, including statsd and JSON to stdout
True one-way protocol - no information is sent from server to client
udping_client -r <remote hostname> -p <remote port> -d <delay> -l <local IP> -s <starting port>|<source port descriptor> [-n <number of ports>] -i <measurement interval seconds> -m <max packet size> -a <next-hop MAC,...> [-v] [-q] * Source port descriptor should be a set of ranges separated by commas. Each range can either be a port, or a range of ports separated by a dash. For example: * 5000 -> port 5000 * 5000-5009 -> ports 5000,5001,...,5009 * 5000,5005,5010 -> ports 5000,5005,5010 * 5000-5001,5005-5006 -> ports 5000,5001,5005,5006 * If a single port is specified AND a number of ports is specified, then source traffic from the number of sequential ports specified starting with the starting port udping_server -l <listen hostname> -p <port number> -k <keepalive interval seconds> [-r <receive hostname>] [-s <statsd host:port>] [-t <tag based statsd host:port>] [-m <tag based statsd metric name>] [-v] [-q]
The UDPing client publishes a stream of UDP packets from a client to a server with a header and a varying length payload, with an average interval specified by the -d switch. The payload size is randomized from zero to MAX - the size of the header, where MAX is specified by the -m switch on the client. The packets are sent in groups according to a measurement period, specified by the -i switch. Packets for a measurement period from a single port share a common GUID. At the end of the measurement period, a control packet is sent from each port with the total packet count for the period.
As the server receives packets, it timestamps them on arrival and records several counters, including
Sum of latency
Sum of squares of latency
Max latency
Upon receipt of a control packet, the server dumps several metrics to stdout, a statsd receiver, or both, including
Expected count
Sum of latency
Sum of squares of latency
Max latency
If the server does not receive a control packet within a keepalive timeout specified by the -k switch, it will output metrics with a zero expected count.
Metrics emitted to stdout are at the source host:port level. Metrics emitted to statsd can either be at the host level only, or at the host level and the host:port level, as specified in the -s switch on the server.
At least one next-hop MAC address must be specified with the -a switch on the client. This should ordinarily be set to the MAC address of the default gateway for the client. If more than one egress path is desired, multiple next-hops can be separated by commas.
The header is defined by the following struct:
typedef struct { uint8_t protoVersion; // Allow for evolution of protocol time_t clientStartTime; // Holds the creation time for the client session - used by the server to differentiate between runs char guid[MAX_GUID + 1]; // Unique identifier for a stream of packets seqnum_t seqNum; // Monotonically increasing sequence number per client port struct timespec sent; // High-resolution sender timestamp (resolution dependent on system clock resolution) uint32_t size; // Size of the packet, including the header and the payload } packet;
A normal packet also includes a payload of random size, up to MAX - sizeof(packet), where MAX is specified by the -m switch on the client.
This code is licensed under Apache License 2.0 as per the license file and contains code from the reference implementation in RFC 1071.
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